Sunday, August 31, 2008

Biggest bruise i ever have

think this is 1 of the biggest bruises i ever had in my entire life, thanks to my colleague for pushing me so hard to the ground while playing captain ball during NSC family day ytd. luckily didnt hit my head at the wall or else he will be in deep shit. muahaha...

will upload the rest when i got the pics & the video clip! the dance performance by us ~ Charlene, Hui Hui, Yiping & me. so hilarious & i made a few wrong steps! muahaha...

also enjoyed myself today during the bowling competition with my bonbon though our team scored the last or the 2nd last? watever... anyway its fun definitely wan to join again next yr but first i must buck up my bowling skills ! ;p

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Quality Time
with a secondary love language being
Physical Touch.

Complete set of results
Quality Time:
Physical Touch:
Words of Affirmation:
Acts of Service:
Receiving Gifts:

Information Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

Hmmm, must let him know my primary & secondary languages now... heehee

Rain, rain, rain.... cooling & boring the whole day.... very sianz, nothing to do so i decide to blog again... muahaha... remember my previous entries regarding the make over with charlene & steph? here it is ~ ! =p

duno y, when we selected the pics at the studio tat day, it was very nice taken but after i collected my CD rom & viewed it at home, it turned out not the same as tat day i picked... charlene commented the same things too. weird... anyway already paid for it, complaint no more. -_-"

last but not least, a beautiful birthday gift from my favourite ex-mentor, Sis Lim... =)

Singapore Flyer

had a simple celebration with him during my birthday & i am contented as long we both spent time together when ever we could. =)

1st time board the Singapore flyer. it wasn't very thrilling but yet i could still sense my height phobia trying to dodge out during the whole journey. luckily i manage to suppress it & keep calm. useless me... -_-"

only spent $16.50 for both tickets. thanks to Jessica, a free ticket from her & helping me to purchase another ticket through NTUC at a cheaper price. =)

happy happy... =D

nice view but alot of ongoing construction sites, not much scenery to see... camwhored alot in the capsule & we did have fun. =)
there he goes again... +_+"

trying to overcome my height phobia...

instead of calming me down, he sticked his tongue out... -_-"

see our skin color contrast?

beautiful, rite? taken at the souvenir shop

after the "scary" ride, we both deciding on wat to have for dinner. initially we tout of Jack's Place coz he has the voucher but we came across MOF. heard from few of my friends it is a nice place for makan so final decision, we headed for MOF. =)

so fierce like ah long (loan shark)... muahaha...

caught by surprised while busy playing with my itouch. ;p

duno why, nowadays i'm more into soba... taste yummy... :p

his Tan-Tan Ramen

delicious mango dessert. yummy...

after dinner, we went party world to sing, using my birthday voucher. haiz, blockhead so shy on using the mic so in the end i sang for 4 hrs non-stop.... =_="

dun be shy lah... muahaha... ;p

haiz, my Aug leave coming to the end. time to go back to work... sianz... how i wish my Nov 2 weeks leave come faster. looking forward....

another great new, i had passed my final theory test~! yeah.... =D

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday in this entry. =)

Your Birthdate: August 21

You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.

Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.

People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.

You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.

Your strength: Your thirst for adventure

Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures

Your power color: Hot pink

Your power symbol: Figure eight

Your power month: March

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Thanks for all wishes & gifts! Love ya guys... =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kana Tagged by Randie

* Answer the questions below , do a Google Image Search with your answer , take a picture from the first page of results , do it with minimal words of explanation .

1) The age U will be on your NEXT birthday

2) A place you'd like to travel to

3) Your favourite place

4) Your favourite food

5) Your favourite colour

6) Your favourite piece of clothing

7) Your favourite song ~ In this album, 爱来过

8) Your favourite T.V. show ~ Currently at the moment. =)

9) First name of your significant other / crush ~ 陈冠名, didn't know my blockhead sell electronic stuffs... =p

10) The town in which U live in

11) Your screen name / nickname ~ Active Galactic Nuclei, AGN = AgN Khim.... (=_=")

12) Your first job.

13) Your dream job ~ veterinary nurse

14) A bad habit U have

15) Your worst fear

16) The one thing you'd like to do before U die

17) The first thing you will buy if you get $1000 000

18) So how long did I take to finish this

* Tag 5 people to do the same once you have finished answering every question.
  1. Charlene
  2. Kei
  3. Qianyan
  4. YangJia
  5. Jaclyn
Sorry, just following the rules. Anyway have fun doing it ~ !!! =D

finally finish everything. going mad with this survey... thanks, Randie!!! muahaha... random pics of recent events. too busy to blog... =)

Glarren Liew, son of my taka buddies, Xavier Liew & Irene Kwek. call him the olympic baby coz he is born on 08/08/08. next time buy 4D, must ask Glarren to pick numbers for me. huat ar!! ;p

while visiting Glarren at SGH, saw 3 mediacrop artistes shooting ~ Tay Ping Hui, Jesseca Liu & Dawn Yeoh

last Friday, met Jaron for dinner. this time with Charlene, HuiHui & Yiping coz after our NSC dance practice. always enjoy makan with Jaron coz he everytimes brings me to the nice nice Jap restaurants. ^o^v
i only know my dish's name ~ Paragon Soda. hahaha... well, i duno the restaurant name but it is situated at Paragon basement, opp the Thai Express. can drop by for a bite.
Thumbs up for this restaurant!

visited Esther again last Sat, went down to see my godson, Asher. love him so much, so cute. =D see how his brother, Aston smile? he said "cheese" when taking pic. his eyes went inline with his mouth. cute hor?
this pic, he said "smile". so photogenic
Aston kissing his baby brother Asher
Asher with the curious look. Cute!
Mummy Esther trying to stable Asher's face for me to shoot him. muahaha
See?! He even posed for the shoot. muahaha...
2 little yandao brothers. =D

on leave for 1 week but got loads of stuffs to do... dance practice for NSC family day, driving lessons almost everyday, advance theory test on the 22nd (wish me luck!), facial treatment, body massage, out with him... busy, busy, busy.... & only 1 day to relax & tats my hatch day!!! muahaha... looking forwards to it coz blockhead & me will be boarding the Singapore flyer! =D